Founding Story

Brightbar Owner, Alex Post, discovered the beauty of the sun while in college at the University of Miami. Long days at the beach leaving SPF behind created a scary reality when she returned home to Boston at age 23 to discover a basal cell carcinoma on her face. In fact, 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with UV radiation from the sun (skin Quick intervention ensured it was removed, but there is a high chance that a basal cell will come back overtime and there is also an increased risk to develop other skin cancers if you continue to expose your skin to harmful UV rays. Alex turned to spray tanning as a safe alternative to prevent further skin damage. She tried over 30 spray tan solutions in search of the perfect tan, and quickly realized the need for a more welcoming and educational spray tan experience. In 2019, after 6 years in finance, Alex left the corporate world behind to create Brightbar. Her vision-a clean, comfortable spray tan oasis in the heart of Boston that ensures a natural and healthy glow every time. Her future—#BrighterAtTheBar.